7846 Williston Road

Williston, VT 05495 - Chittenden County

(802) 238-2568

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About VT Army National Guard Recruiter - SSG Cody Gonzales:

The Vermont Army National Guard serves a purpose greater than itself. The Vermont Army National Guard is unique among the U.S. armed forces in that it can perform state as well as federal functions. The national guard is generally called up to respond to state-level emergencies, such as natural disasters. Unlike most of the other military forces, it can also serve a domestic law enforcement role. At all times, the Vermont Army National Guard holds a high level of integrity and strives to always do what is right, both in & out of uniform. Being a member of the Vermont Army National Guard is a selfless service with dedication to the mission & betterment of the organization, before self. We are equipped to provide ready forces to defend our nation and serve our communities. Truly an organization that is fully ready, values-based, professional, and connected to our communities. Are you looking for a career where you get to help protect your State and Country. Are you looking to develop skills that you can use both in the military and in civilian life? Speak with one of the Vermont Army National Guard recruiters today and see how you can take yourself to new heights.

Categories: National Guard, Veterans & Military Organizations, Government, Federal Government, United States Army, Armed Forces Recruiting, National Military and State Government

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  • Army National Guard Recruiter - SSG Cody Gonzales
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